Base url for the appropriate environment
Rules for majors in Computer Engineering/Business Computing
Get HTML for sending an email.
Object with all the root paths of the site.
Send an advice request via email to a SA.
Post a new consultation history item to the database.
Date of the advice session
The ID of the student advisor who gave the advice
The ID of the student who received the advice
The notes from the session
Checks current major selection for violation of any of the major rules.
List of major names user wants to take.
Object with true if selection is fine, false if selection violates rules and violation message if any.
Use fetch-retry to retry getting student advisors details until successful. Afterwards set state to the student advisors.
Currently stored advisors.
Function to set the state to the advisor data.
Use the course ID to find the full object corresponding to that course.
The list of all the courses.
The course ID of the course being looked for.
A CourseModel object containing all the properties for the specified course.
Fetch majors and courses data from the database and update context with the data.
Set context function to update courses context.
Set context function to update majors context.
Current courses in context.
Current majors in context.
Use the major ID to find the full object corresponding to that major.
The list of all the majors.
The major ID of the major being looked for.
A MajorModel object containing all the properties for the specified major.
Use the programme ID to find the full object corresponding to that programme.
The list of all the programmes.
The programme ID of the programme being looked for.
A ProgrammeModel object containing all the properties for the specified programme.
Use the user ID to find the full object corresponding to that user.
The user ID of the user being looked for.
A UserModel object containing all the properties for the specified user.
Get all the users in the database
An array of UserModel objects for all the users in the database.
Determine if the course is already in provided courses list.
The course to check for.
The list of courses to check from.
True if item is already in list, else false.
Session which indicates whether there is a user session in the app.
The currently logged in user.
Function to update state of the user.
Convert a sentence to sentence case.
Sentence to convert to sentence case.
Sentence in sentence case form.
Get the sum of all the courses in the toSum list.
The list of courses to add credits from.
The list of all the courses.
The sum of all the credits in the toSum parameter.
Convert a word to sentence case.
Word to convert to sentence case.
Word in sentence case form.
Generated using TypeDoc
Array of all the badges users can acquire on the site.